It's time to open up the 24th Series of the LEGO Collectable Minifigures!
Good news first, all figures were evenly distributed! So with a 36x Box you will get 3 of each of the 12 minifigures:
- 01 - 48S2 - Football Referee (3x)
- 02 - 48S2 - Robot Warrior (3x)
- 03 - 48S2 - Brown Astronaut and Spacebaby (3x)
- 04 - 48S2 - Carrot Mascot (3x)
- 05 - 48S2 - Falconer (3x)
- 06 - 48S2 - T-Rex Costume Fan (3x)
- 07 - 48S2 - Orc (3x)
- 08 - 48S2 - Conservationist (3x)
- 09 - 49S2 - Potter (3x)
- 10 - 49S2 - Rococo Aristocrat (3x)
- 11 - 48S2 - Rockin' Horse Rider (3x)
- 12 - 48S2 - Newspaper Kid (3x)
As with Series 20 I was weighting every bag and combined it by feeling for elements that are special to each minifgure. With this Series I couldn't find any bubble-codes on the lower end of the bags, also the 4 digit code on the back wasn't that helpful. There are only 2 variations: 48S2 and 49S2. If you are looking for the the Potter or the Rococo Aristocrat, you are in luck because only these 2 use the 49S2 code and the big dress-piece of the Aristocrat is easy to feel out. (See pictures below: micro scale for wheighting and the bubble codes in Series 18.

4-digit code on the back of the bag (pictured is Series 20 for reference).

Following the chart below you can see the median of the weight of the bags (in the circles: weight in grams). The diameter of the circles represent the standard deviation put into relation to each minifgure.

The data provided, is only based of off one 36x box. It may vary from box to box.